Video Options
Monthly Astro Weather
Since 2022, I’ve been teaching in-person New Moon workshops focused on astrological education and discussions centered around your unique New Moon astrology. Attendees receive their New Moon transit chart, and we explore how this lunar energy might influence them based on their chart. This approach helps you gain a clearer understanding of your personal astrology and how monthly energies may be impacting your life.
As a complement to my in-person workshops, I offer personal monthly videos. There are three types of video readings, each designed for different depths of insight: a quick New Moon snapshot, a comprehensive monthly transit analysis, and a quarterly overview of major planetary transits.
What is a Video Reading?
A video reading is a personalized recording that provides insight into how current astrological transits, such as the New Moon or other planetary movements, may influence you based on your natal chart. These are not precorded. Unlike general astrology videos you might find on YouTube, which provide broad predictions for everyone, these video readings offer personalized insights specific to your individual chart, helping you navigate energies that are directly relevant to you. My intention is with each video to give practical insights and guidance based on your personal astrology.
What is the Differences Between the 3 Video Readings?
- The New Moon Video covers the current New Moon and it’s potential impact on you. It is meant to be quick & affordable guidance.
- The Monthly Transit Video covers additional planetary movements besides just the moon. It meant to give more in-depth insight.
- The Quarterly Transit Video focuses on the next three-month period looking at key transits that may affect you during the time.
Each video reading may touch on more than “just the moon” or a specific “major transit” depending on what stands out in your chart. In this videos, I speak directly to you, showing your chart on the screen, and focus on the most significant planetary influences I see in that month. For example, if you’re going through a Chiron return, transits involving your natal Chiron will likely jump out as they’ll be especially relevant to you. Or, if the lunar nodes or eclipses are impacting your core axis or natal nodes, I’ll likely make that a key focus in your video. It just depends on your chart which is why these are unique to you.

* You must have correct birth time.
For the New Moon video, I record a 10-minute snapshot video looking at the New Moon transit and how it might show up in your life This is intended to be a quick video that gives general guidance.
* 10 min video length
* Video Link Emailed within 3 days of IN-PERSON NEW MOON WORKSHOP.
These videos are personally recorded for you based on your natal chart.

* You must have correct birth time.
For the Monthly Transit video, I record a 30-minute video covering the month’s key planetary transits and how the energy might be influenced by your chart as a whole. This is intended to provide more insight involving other piece of your chart. For instance, while the New Moon transit might not directly involve Mars (and therefore wouldn’t be included in the New Moon video), if later in the month, Mars moves into conjunction with your natal Sun, it will impact you directly and be covered in the Monthly Transit video.
* 30 min video length
* Video Link Emailed to you.
These videos are personally recorded for your based on your natal chart.

* You must have correct birth time.
For the Quarterly Transit video, I record a 45-minute video covering the next three month’s major transit influence.
This video option is ideal for those seeking personal guidance but with a wider lens. In other words, 3 Monthly Transit videos would provide more information than the Quarterly video. The same amount of time is covered but the quarterly won’t get as specific. (45 minutes vs 90 minutes)
* 45 min video length
* Video Link Emailed within 3 days of the new moon.
These videos are created based on your astrology birth chart.
Explore the energy mechanics of your Human Design with personalized videos tailored specifically to you. In these videos, I speak directly to you about your chart—not the generalized content you find on YouTube. Each video is individually created, diving into the specific mechanics of your Human Design. Think of this as the bridge between self-study and a live reading, allowing you to rewatch and absorb the information at your own pace. Plus, you’ll have the option to schedule an Online call with me for Q&A or to clarify anything from the video.

These videos are personally recorded for you based on your natal chart.
These videos are also good if you’ve had a chart reading with me before and want a refresher or have specific questions regarding the basics of your chart.
* 60 min video length
* optionAL 30 MIN LIVE Q&A followup ($60)

These videos are personally recorded for you based on your HD chart.
These videos are designed to take you to the next level of understanding your chart mechanics.
* 30 min video length
* optionAL 30 MIN LIVE Q&A followup ($60)

These videos are personally recorded for you based on your HD chart.
This content goes beyond what’s typically covered in a standard reading, offering more advanced insights. When applicable, I also provide relevant transit dates.
* 30 min video length
* optionAL 30 MIN LIVE Q&A followup ($60)
* If you are interested in getting both the HD & Astro side of the Nodes or Transit, order the video from the astro side and add-on the HD.
Your natal chart is the blueprint you were given at birth. Sadly (or not), it doesn’t come with an owner’s manual. At the moment you were born, the planets were in “discussions”, forming “aspects” that imprinted an energetic influence on you. The more challenging aspects are meant to be explored and understood throughout your lifetime as they are the path through evolutionary growth of the soul.

These videos are personally recorded for you based on your natal chart.
These videos are designed to explore the outer planetary energies and how they connect with your every day.
I will look at your natal astrology (HD add-on) placement and the lifetime transit for the planet energy.
These readings are intended for you to take a reflected look at where these energies show up in your life. Worksheets and Transit Dates will be provided as applicable.

These videos are personally recorded for you based on your HD chart.
Many people turn to astrology during difficult times for clarity and those insightful “aha” moments that offer a fresh perspective.
In this reading, I look at the challenging aspects of your natal chart. I view this Hard Aspects reading as a form of “shadow work,” providing reflection points that may help you heal or find closure in tough situations.
Please note that this video reading is NOT a substitute for therapy, counseling, or a platform to work through severe traumatic events. Shadow work has no place in trauma therapy or processing.
* 30 min video length
* Video Link Emailed
* optionAL HD ADD-ON ($88)
* optionAL 30 MIN LIVE Q&A followup ($60)

These videos are personally recorded for you based on your HD chart.
The Nodes of the Moon symbolize energy you are meant to turn up and turn down in your life – like a radio dial. People who were born around a new or full moon and especially an eclipse will often feel a strong shift when there are transits to their nodes.
In this reading, I look at your nodes and talk about how this energy is meant to play out in your life and how certain transits pull your into new direction.
This content goes beyond what’s typically covered in a standard reading, offering more advanced insights. I also provide relevant transit dates.