My story

My Journey so far

My name is Jen Reed. I am a practitioner and student of traditional and modern astrology blended with human design and energy systems. I love studying both ancient and modern approaches to help my clients tap into their true selves.

I am fascinated by how astrology, human design, kabbalah, old magick, and Eastern energy systems such as the iChing (yin/yang) blend together. These systems connect in streams of consciousness that we don’t even realize. I am incredibly passionate about bringing this knowledge into practical everyday life.



To me, being your most Authentic self means eliminating external influential conditioning. It’s about realizing that the person you aspire to be is the person you’ve been all along if you only removed the background noise. External factors have deeply conditioned our minds, leading us astray from our inner wisdom. We’ve absorbed too much external conditioning and given other voices too much importance and control over our decision-making.

Through studying your cosmic makeup, you learn more about yourself and naturally begin to re-align in ways that are very hard to explain in words. It’s a feeling in your body and a simple way of flowing in the moment. You become attuned to when you’re not authentically yourself in the NOW. “Authenticity” is a buzzword these daysjust “Be Authentic.” But what does that mean?!? And how do you get there?!?

Genuine Authenticity comes from a place of alignment with the version of yourself where you can freely make your own choices. And those choices are driven by what YOU fundamentally care about. It’s a journey that stretches you, making you face your discomforts and your strongly conditioned responses and habitual resistances. It’s a process that requires you to be self-aware “in the now,” which is the first step in your journey of figuring out what true Authenticity means for YOU.


Cosmic Design

I fully believe your soul’s journey begins by diving into your “Cosmic Design.” Looking at yourself through the objective and non-judgmental lens of astrology and human design is a great way to explore your inner workings. It’s about understanding the unique energy you were born with and how it influences you and your relationships. Knowing the power you are personally here to work with in this lifetime creates a freedom in you that is hard to put into words.

We must strive to listen better to our own sense of guidance and direction. We can’t hear ourselves through the external noise of the other and chatter of our own minds. In essence, this is what studying your design is all about—a journey towards reclaiming your authentic self and living a life in alignment with your inner truth – whatever that means for YOU.

To be your most Authentic self means eliminating external influential conditioning. It means being brave to stand up for yourself. It means making decisions for YOU and not because someone else demanded or required something of you. It’s about realizing that the person you aspire to be is the person you’ve been all along if you just removed the background noise. External factors have deeply conditioned our minds, leading us astray from our inner wisdom. We’ve absorbed too much external conditioning and given other voices too much credit in our decision-making.


My purpose is to help you embrace the true authentic potential of your Cosmic Design.

My design carries an ambitious intuitive energy seeking to penetrate illusions, understand deeper truths, and encourage new beginnings that break through barriers to create transformative change. The potential of my design is to make a profound impact and inspire change in others, often through shocking and insightful revelations. I embody the hermit’s wisdom, the teacher’s guidance, and the artist’s vision. By taking my time to find balance & emotional clarity with these energies and utilize my unique gifts and artistic creativity, I fulfill a life purpose to help support and guide those around me.